Apple and Blue Cheese Salad Apples and cheese are a popular combination,... Broccoli Salad Broccoli salad is a variation of broccoli... Brussels Sprout Salad Brussels sprouts are a member of the cabbage... Cherry Chicken Salad This is a hearty salad that can be served in... Chicken Salad This basic recipe is enhanced by fresh herbs... Chilled Asparagus Salad This simple salad with a light, savory... Egg and Olive Potato Salad An American classic, the earliest written... Fruit Cocktail Fruit cocktail is prepared with chopped fruit... Herbed Couscous Salad Couscous is a tiny granular pasta made of... Mediterranean Couscous Salad The Mediterranean flair in this recipe comes... Michigan Salad Sweet and crunchy, this salad may get its... Middle Eastern Barley Salad Middle Eastern barley salads likely made... Shepherd's Salad Simple salads of chopped summer vegetables...